Tax Newsletter SEPTEMBER 2021
DLO’S Tax Newsletter Issue No. 122, September 2021 Tax Law Update 1. The extension period of the reduction of value-added tax (“VAT”) rate for all sales, services or importation 2. The withholding tax (“WHT”) refund for the interest obtained from savings bond issued by the Ministry of Finance 3. VAT operation for the operator providing a service via electronic from foreign country 4. The extension period of WHT reduction for the payment of assessable income via e-Withholding Tax Tax News 1. Establish the criteria for the tax refund of WHT for the interest via electronic system Interesting Supreme Court Judgment Supreme Court Judgment No. 3874/2560 (2017) Between Thai Revenue Department Plaintiff A limited company Aor. and eight people Defendant Subject: Claim of tax arrears creditor for the unpaid shares including interest Tax Law Update 1. The extension period of the reduction of VAT rate […]